Parenting Skills

General Information about Parenting Skills

There are different parenting styles and methods, and parents often need assistance learning how to best manage their children’s behavior. They may also need guidance speaking with their children about difficult issues such as divorce, adoption, chronic pain, physical illness, death and dying.

Child Behavior Management

When children frequently misbehave, argue, break rules, tantrum, and are generally oppositional it can disrupt the family dynamics and cause distress for your and other family members. It is not unusual for parents to disagree on how to discipline their children given that their own upbringings and experiences may have differed. Overall, it’s important for caretakers to talk openly with each other and to set rules and limits appropriate to their child’s age and development. In treatment, you can learn different parenting techniques and learn how to balance reinforcement of positive behaviors with the implementation of fair and suitable consequences. Treatment can also help your child to use different methods to problem-solve more effectively, increase frustration tolerance, improve communication skills, and better control his or her anger.


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